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Christchurch Earthquake


It’s taken me a while to get to my computer and write, but oh, how much I’ve been thinking and praying for the people of Christchurch. Every morning in devotions the children also have been praying …

Those of us who have never experienced the terror and on going pain that comes from a disaster like this, can only guess at the myriad of things that need to be faced and dealt with. Many big issues, but also countless little things. I read a beautiful verse the other day. Paul says, ” I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” Phil 2v 20 We don’t need a huge overflowing abundance of courage (although that would be very nice) – we simply need sufficient courage. Sufficient for the day. Sufficient for the need.

I have just read a wonderful article sent out by Focus on the Family called Parenting in the Midst of Tragedy. I highly recommend this to any of you who are going though a time of grief and loss. I’ll paste the link here.

God bless you all and may you find ’sufficient courage.’

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