Hi, I’m Rosie Boom. In one of her books, Amy Carmichael, missionary to India, writes of the little joys that spring up beside our path like flowers, often unnoticed except by those who are looking for them. She encourages us to search for them—she calls it “gathering the edelweiss of God.” Even on the barren, rocky heights the little edelweiss flower springs up. In the same way God’s consolations and tender mercies are always there to be found, sprinkled along our path in times of difficulty and testing. We must go looking for them; we must search the Word for them.
I think back to my difficult times and can clearly see the patches of white edelweiss nestled in against the craggy mountainside.
Thank you, Lord, for all the little blessings, the small encouragements, the unexpected joys that you sprinkle beside our dark path.
For more, go to rosieboom.com