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The Joy of Writing


I feel so incredibly blessed to now have the time to write, write, write! But having said that, I find I’m still drawn away by all sorts of other creative endeavours as well… building a wee cabin down by the river… helping my children with their own building projects…

Nevertheless, I am making progress with my latest book, Heart to Heart with Rosie Boom. This will be, I hope, an inspiration and encouragement to home-schooling mamas, compiling all the messages I’ve given over 24 years of speaking at HEART (Home Educators Annual Retreat). I’m up to the editing phase now and am determined to have it ready for HEART 2023. 🙂

So last night while Chris was away in Napier, I stayed by myself in Riverwood Cabin and awoke early to the beautiful view of cows munching grass across the river, and the sound of tuis calling above the gurgle of the river. (If that doesn’t inspire creativity, what will??) I spent the next four hours down there happily writing.

Riverwood Cabin

A bucolic scene

The perfect spot to write!

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