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A Long Overdue Post


Dear friends,

I am finally facing the fact that I have been totally neglecting my blog. I've been caught up with getting my latest book Comfort and Cheer ready for publication, along with increased grandparenting demands (which I love!).

The grandchildren call Chris and I Ma and Pa

But I have so many thoughts, musings and happenings that I would love to share with you, and which I hope would be a blessing. So, I've decided I'm going to try to write a blog once a week. It will be on a variety of topics - faith, family, writing, homesteading, renovation, the devotional life etc from which I hope you'll be able to glean all sorts of inspirational treasures and encouragement.

Just a comment here: I do share a variety of things on my Instagram page, as well as on both my Facebook accounts - one personal and the other a business page. (On that note, I used to only have my Facebook page, but last year Facebook required that I have a personal profile in order to have a business page. So now I've ended up with some people following my page and others my profile. Not sure what to do about that. So I end up posting the same thing on both. I post the same things here as well??)

Anyway, let me share with you about the latest arrival in our family! Our daughter Emily (Milly from The Barn Chronicles!) gave birth to baby Jack Evans Hanmore on the 24th June 2024. He is a delightful bonny boy, and it thrills my mother's heart to see Milly become such a devoted and loving mama.

Emily and Jack

Katie's Judah is growing so quickly and before we know it, the Pureti brothers will look like twins!

Judah and Moshe

Right, I'm going to sign off now and will plan to start sharing some of my deeper thoughts etc on a regular basis. I also want to share with you about my new book, so watch this space!

May your homes be blessed; may His face shine upon you and give you peace.

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