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Storytime At Riverwood Cabin

Over the past couple of months I've had a lot of fun with a new project... Vikas (my son-in-law Aakarsh's brother) is an experienced and brilliant videographer, and he had the idea of filming me reading my books down at Riverwood Cabin. He's going to start a 'Storytime' YouTube channel for me where children can listen to me reading my books, while at the same time experiencing the beauty of the river and the woods and the cabin (lanterns, candles, fires . It's been so much fun! Eppie (my devoted little dog) is in every shot - always by my side - so cute. She's become the little furry mascot.

It's raining lightly here at the moment, but we're hoping to do a few more chapters today while the sky is moody - better than bright sunshine.

Anyway, the plan is to start uploading them in a few weeks, so watch this space.

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