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Book Launch Complete!

Well, I can relax now. 🙂 It’s been a busy time preparing for several things this last weekend…on Friday night we  did a fund-raising concert at church to try and raise money for the project Kate is doing in Cambodia – she is providing  ‘life packs’ for all the prisoners in the prison where she teaches English and music. We had a wonderful evening with a variety of people performing, and raised $1800!! Kate was so thrilled.

Ellie came up for the weekend to perform at the concert and also to be there for my book launch the next day. We spent a relaxed morning setting up the Whangarei Old Library. Fun. I like to try and make the back drop look like the inside of the barn. 🙂 They even had a lamp post there that I could use!

Milly, Sam and Jake helped me bake heaps of slices and we had punch and nibbles and marshmallows galore. Penny and Grace provided live music while everyone arrived which really set a festive atmosphere.

I loved meeting all the people  – some even were there from Hamilton!! So neat to meet my little fans (and grown-up ones!) and sign their books.

There were some FANTASTIC entries into the art competition! Oh boy, it was a hard job for Penny to judge them. I hope I can put some up here on my website so you can all see them…but I need to ask the artists first!

All in all a wonderful day! Thank you to all those who came and celebrated the event with me! Now it’s back to the all-important task of writing. 🙂

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