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Home Again!


I’ve just returned home to my family and life in the barn after two weeks in Colorado with my thriteen year old daughter, Eliza. We went there to do some concerts and speaking at various home school events. What a wonderful time we had together! Five years ago, Chris and I decided to take each child on a special trip with either Mum or Dad when they turn thirteen. Chris took Josiah tramping in the South Island, Kate came with me to do some concerts in Texas, and Eliza was blessed with a trip to Colorado!

To make it possible for us to go, Kate (16) and Emily (11) offered to cook the meals while I was gone, and Josiah (18) said he would become the home schooling teacher for two weeks.

I got the most gorgeous email from Samuel (9) while we were away – felt very homesick when I read his email, complete with all his spelling mistakes.  (Sam has just recently been assessed as dyslexic)

Hi Mum! Jacob and me went huting but we dind cach anything but it is just abowt the fun . joe is a cool tecker. to day joe wos being funy!! we crakt up! it was fun. by . Love Sam

I could just picture Jacob and Sam out hunting, looking like two little Huckleberry Finns. And I could just imagine Josiah stirring up all sorts of fun and laughter during school. What a blessing.

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