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Katie’s 33 Km Shoeless Walk

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I want to tell you about my daughter Katie, and the long walk she’ll be making on Sunday 15th May. As many of you know she has been barefoot now for three and a half years. Her heart was moved by the needs of the children she met in Cambodia, and since then she has been raising money to send 1000 children to school.

Cambodian child

So, in a couple of weeks at dawn she will begin walking from Upper Hutt to Wellington, a distance of 33 kms. Barefoot. She is trying to raise $15,000 so she can send these 1000 children to school for another year. The most I’ve ever walked in a day is 27 kms. Boy, do I remember that day in Nepal! I was exhausted. But I wish I could be in Wellington walking alongside Katie in May. I want to be able to encourage her and tell her she’s doing a wonderful thing. That God sees her compassion and smiles. I’d like to be beside her on the walk when she’s feeling exhausted and her feet are sore so I can give her a massage and cheer her on. And I desperately want to be there in the evening when she’s finished so I can look after her, and wash her blistered, sore feet. But I can’t, because I’m speaking at a mothers and daughters camp in Hamilton. But I’ll be walking every step with my darling daughter in spirit. And I hope and pray her wonderful friends will gather around her and support her and cheer her on. I know they will.

So, if you can help, be it 10 cents a km, 50 centsa km, $1 a km, $100 a km! – every cent counts – go to:

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20V35

Thank you!!!

Rosie, 3 May 2016

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