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No Hurry


Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.  – A. A. Milne author (1882-1956)

I love this quote. It seems to be the easiest thing in the world for me to become more and more in a hurry as the week wears on. So much to do! Soccer has started again! Soccer practices on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Then there’s piano lessons and singing lessons. Throw in youth group and home school group, and all the stuff I need to do surrounding my latest book release etc etc and I start to feel the hurry syndrome symptoms. Time to slow down, take a few deep breaths. Time to look carefully at everything I’m trying to accomplish in a day and see if just perhaps a few of them aren’t as urgent or necessary as I thought. No hurry. There is time to sit in front of the crackling fire and enjoy a game of Chinese Checkers with Jacob. There is time to slow down in my cooking and enjoy the process of preparing a nourishing meal for my family.

And yes, there is time for me to tackle the demanding, somewhat intimidating learning curve  I need to conquer in order to optimise my website etc etc!!?&%

There is no hurry. We shall get there some day. 🙂

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