It has been way too long since I wrote a post here. If I’m not careful it’ll shrivel up and die from neglect. I have however been posting regular updates on my Facebook page…
This new year has kicked off in wonderful fashion with plenty of action. We’ve had hundreds of visitors (literally), bought a derelict old bungalow and moved it up onto our land, started the renovation process, booked our tickets for our Europe trip later in the year, fulfilled speaking engagements and tried to keep up with all our usual life demands at the same time.

The house renovation has inspired and energized me. I have always loved the challenge of making something ugly beautiful again. Restoration. Redemption. And so I’ve been once again up tall ladders, scraping, sanding, painting windows. Appletree Cottage is sitting crooked high in the air, waiting to be settled on her piles. We’ve just had our building consent issued so now it’s a matter of waiting for the removal guys to come and do their last two days work. I can’t wait.
Our daughter Katie is also involved in the renovation process – a job for her before she leaves for Asia again in June. She’s writing a blog about the reno process so if any of you want to check it out from her perspective clink on the link:
As for my writing…I’m still working on my next book, albeit sporadically and slowly. It’s the adventure story of my childhood in the jungles of New Guinea. It’s challenging but exciting work. Working title – Where the Jungle Calls.