We had fun in Tauranga last weekend. I was speaking at a women’s camp in Papamoa, so the whole family (other than Ellie who stayed behind for a friend’s celebration) decided to come down with me and spend their weekend with the cousins at Welcome bay. We picked Josiah up on the way and Kate drove over from Hamilton to be with us. 🙂
They had a fabulous time – soccer, volleyball, games, while I had a precious time with the ladies at my camp. On the Sunday we wanted to delay saying goodbye to Kate for as long as possible so we went down to a park by the harbour and had some fun leaving our mark to let people know that we had been there!

Milly made hers BIG!

Joe did his small and neat

Chris spent ages collecting rocks for his

Kate made hers out of small stones

And I did mine out of grass

Sam tried to get away with doing nothing other than point at his Boom Tee shirt but it wasn’t acceptable…

So, he did his out of sand 🙂

Jacob made his out of small sticks

And Daddy was certain that his would last the longest and be the most visible – and I think he was right!